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Asa Fleming, North Carolina_edited.jpg

Asa Fleming

I had the pleasure of serving with Kevin Brown on the extended leadership team in 2021 for the National Association of REALTORS®.  I have always respected his calm demeanor and servant leadership.  He is dedicated to advocating for private property rights and the real estate industry.  More importantly, Kevin Brown has an innate desire to make a difference.  His leadership style is exemplary, and he will successfully lead our association into the future.

Mary Dykstra Headshot

Mary Dykstra

Kevin has the dynamic vision and collaborative spirit to lead our organization and its members into a future where all are represented and our voice is heard in the halls of government at the local, state and federal levels. That is why I am proudly supporting Kevin for NAR First Vice President 2024.

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Don Faught

Our world and our profession has and continues to undergo many significant changes. We need inclusive leaders that understand these challenges and are willing to listen to others. Leaders that care deeply about others and are capable of making the tough decisions necessary to unite us and to move us forward. Leaders that can create a vision and that motivate people to make that vision a reality.


Kevin Brown is that proven leader and I am proud and very excited to support Kevin as he is the right person, at the right time to lead us

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Bobbi Howe

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader" - John Quincy Adams. To me, this quote summarizes everything that Kevin Brown is and what he stands for. Since first meeting him over 10 years ago, he has continually inspired me to action. He has a servant's heart and makes everyone around him better for just having him in their world. I proudly support and stand beside Kevin. 

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Seth Task

I have served with Kevin for several years in public policy and seen him shine as a leader that works inclusively and collaboratively.  His expertise, compassion, and steady leadership style is exactly what we need leading the National Association of REALTORS® during these challenging times.

Emily Green Headshot

Emily Green

Kevin Brown is a proven leader with the experience and vision to move our association forward. With a deep understanding of our industry and the challenges ahead, Kevin will inspire our membership, motivate our dedicated staff and volunteers, and ensure a focus on maximizing opportunities and advancement of the organization. I am delighted to offer my support of Kevin Brown for First Vice President of NAR!

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Jennifer Vucetic

When I hear the name Kevin Brown, two words come to mind honor and integrity.

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Steve Medeiros

Kevin is approachable and his honesty and integrity are instantly apparent...just a truly genuine person and a “class act”. As a long-time leader, Kevin truly understands what is most important…our members!

Christina Pappas Headshot

Christina Pappas

Kevin Brown is the right leader at the right time. He understands our members, our needs, and our opportunities. He has the skillset to navigate our profession and lead us through anything that comes our way. 

Edward Barrios Headshot

Edward Barrios

Leadership comes in many forms - a person who works collectively toward accomplishing a vision, someone who believes in, strives for, and exhibits excellence, a person who is dynamic, strategic and a trailblazer. Kevin Brown exemplifies those qualities and characteristics. But it is Kevin's ability to inspire others to elevate themselves to become leaders of the future that I admire the most, and I proudly support Kevin for NAR First Vice President 2024.

Maura Niell Headshot

Maura Neill

"Leadership is an action, not a position."
Donald McGannon, broadcasting executive


In the 10+ years I've known Kevin, I've known him to be one who leads with action, and inspires and motivates others to follow suit. Having served under Kevin in his roles of Liaison and REALTOR® Party Director, I've witnessed first-hand his compassion, intelligence, and integrity, as well as passion and love for our industry and all that the REALTORS® stand for. I am proud to support Kevin as he continues his leadership journey.

Brooke Hunt Headshot

Brooke Hunt

Kevin Brown has many years of experience in his qualification for NAR First Vice President. He is a talented and driven leader who has been asked to step up and lead for all of us in this role and the subsequent positions in NAR leadership for the future of all the members. Kevin is the right choice!

Angie Tallant Headshot

Angie Tallant

Kevin Brown is an exceptional leader, volunteer and friend.  Throughout my years of knowing Kevin he has been a successful advocate in the mission of the National Association of REALTORS®.  He is the right leader at the right time for us!

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